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The following pages are available (click the buttons above for navigation to the listed page): Home Page Library (resources for composing and decoding messages).
Leadership Bios include information on the Net Control Stations, and the Net Manager. The Utah Code Net information is on the Utah Code Net Page.
New! As of March 2018, prospective net members must, in addition to the 20 checkin requirement, compose and send a properly formatted radiogram to the Net Manager, requesting to be added to the roster. This radiogram must be received prior to the end of the month that the ham has been making his checkin 'run'. This message must be sent OVER THE AIR to the Net Manager or to someone who can relay the message. Information on proper message format can be found on the library page of this web site. Additionally, any NCS or other traffic handler on the BUN can help you with composing the required message
The Beehive Utah Net is comprised of a dedicated group of Amateur Radio Operators that meet daily for the Public Service function of handling message traffic within the National Traffic System. The Beehive Utah Net is a Section level net within the Utah Section of the American Radio Relay League. A very specific structure allows for the systematic transfer of messages throughout the US, Canada, and many foreign countries. It is entirely managed and run by volunteers, hence the label 'amateur.' In every other sense of the word, it is professional in nature, with dedicated, talented individuals that make the National Traffic System the success it is. In time of emergency or disaster, it provides a viable, reliable backup to government-owned and private-owned communications systems.
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